Drilling Expertise & Engineering Prowess
Methane Drilling Services
Longwall Degasification
Using directional drilling techniques, REI has the capability to drill along specific projected paths in order to drain methane from a longwall panel efficiently from fewer setup locations than traditional non-directional cross-panel drilling. Boreholes can be intentionally drilled adjacent and parallel to future gateroad entries to improve mining efficiencies and safety on development units.
Longwall Degassing Plan
In-Seam Borehole Diagram
Horizontal Gob and Modified Cross Measures Boreholes
Use directional drilling to install horizontal laterals in the overlying fracture zone, and tie the hole into existing vertical gob wells using vertical well intercept techniques. This application increases the coverage area and efficiency of the vertical gob well and is particularly useful when surface access is limited for new vertical gob well installations.
Modified Cross Measures Boreholes Diagram
Restricted Surface Access Gob Wells Plan
Feature-Focused Degasification and Outburst Mitigation
Using directional drilling techniques, REI can align a horizontal borehole with future mine heading projections and intercept charged geologic features and fractures in advance of mining, allowing these features to be safely depressurized in a controlled manner. REI uses pressure tested casing and a contained wellhead complete with a blow-out preventer to ensure full control at all times.
Feature Focused Degassing Plan
Below Orebody Reservoir Depressurization
CBM and Carbon Credits
Since its inception, REI has drilled for coalbed methane (CBM) production and commercialization, including surface and underground drill setups. We install directional boreholes to drain methane from your reserves in a safe, controlled manner to improve future mining efficiencies. Also, through our established business relationships, we can ensure your produced methane receives the best price, either through gas sales or a carbon credit program.